Platypus tail vs beavertail
Platypus tail vs beavertail

platypus tail vs beavertail platypus tail vs beavertail

These first molars were also recurved in a manner designed to hold slippery prey once grasped. Tail stores body fat (Temple-Smith 1973 Grant 2015) Up to 40 of a platypus’ total body fat Often thinner after winter and during lactation (in females) Tail volume used as an indicator of body condition (health/energy reserves) however, see Macgregor et al. This feature of three cusps in a row is similar to the ancestral condition in mammal relatives (as seen in triconodonts), but is almost certainly a derived character in Castorocauda. The first two molars had cusps in a straight row, eliminating the grinding function suggesting that they were strictly for gripping and not for chewing. Beaver tails are flat and scaly, while platypus tails are furry and tapered. The beaver's tail is broader and flatter than a platypus's, and covered with special scales. It acts as a stabiliser when the platypus swims, and its also used when they dig their burrows into river banks. The teeth of Castorocauda suggest that the animal was a piscivore, feeding on fish and small invertebrates. One of the most obvious physical differences between beavers and platypuses is their tails. See answer (1) Best Answer Copy The platypus does not actually have a tail like a beaver. The platypus flat tail has a number of uses. Hunting of platypuses for fur is now illegal in Australia. Most docodonts had teeth specialized for an omnivorous diet. Has a mouth similar to a ducks bill and a tail similar to a beavers tail. Do platypus have beaver tails The platypus does not actually have a tail like a beaver.The beavers tail is broader and flatter than a platypuss, and covered with special scales. The teeth of Castorocauda are different in many ways from all other docodonts, presumably due to a difference in diet. The watertight nostrils on its bill remain sealed so that the animal can stay submerged for up to two minutes as it forages for food.

platypus tail vs beavertail

Docodonts in general have distinctive teeth, and the teeth of Castorocauda have the distinguishing features of the group. The platypus is a bottom-feeder that uses its beaver-like tail to steer and its webbed feet to propel itself through the water while hunting for insects, shellfish, and worms.

Platypus tail vs beavertail